Event Details

Satisfy The "So What?" Your Audience Is Waiting For You To Say

You know that deflated feeling you get when you've just given a business presentation… the one you've spent hours working on and stressing about… and the audience claps politely… then after an awkward moment of silence they go back to talking amongst themselves?

Or the shock when you overhear someone say they spent your whole talk wondering when you were going to get to the part where you'd tell them something they really wanted to know?

Well, let's explore why that happens and what you can do to avoid it happening again.

Join us for our monthly Business Social Hour Coffee Catch Up at Brookwater Golf and Country Club on Tuesday 29th August 9am.

Communication coach Leanne Wyvill will be sharing her practical tips for attracting a better response to your business presentations.

Because your customers, clients and collaborators will appreciate and act on what you have to offer when you express the value in ways that appeal to them.

GSCC Members - $15.00

Non Members - $25

Please note that should you turn up to the event without booking prior to the closing date, there will be an extra administration fee along with the regular admission fee charged upon entry



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